Welcome to New Image Christian Center Ministry Directory
"Eph 4:16 He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." Ephesians 4:16 NLT
How to Use this Directory
For easy referencing, all ministries are listed in alphabetical order. If you have any questions, simply call us at (850) 877-3896, or email info@newimagecc.org. We will be happy to assist you.
Anointed Praise Music Ministry
The Anointed Praise Ministry ushers us into the presence of our God during worship. Music has a powerful and emotional impact on our lives;it inspires, encourages, exhorts, and edifies. It comforts us when we're hurting, it brings a smile to our face as we remember where we were the first time we heard that special song.
Caring Hands Ministry
A ministry dedicated to visiting convalescent homes and ministering the love of Christ to the elderly. When a member of NICC is faced with an illness or physical trauma, we need sincere and caring volunteers to call and visit those who are confined to hospitals, homes, and adult care facilities.
Children's Ministry
This ministry is for children ages 4-12 years old assists in teaching children the Word of God with the same emphasis as the adults. If you want your children to grow in their understanding of Jesus Christ in a warm, loving environment, then NICC's Children's Ministry is the perfect place! Your children will learn and have lots of fun with interactive presentations and exciting lessons. Through the use of stories, puppetry, games and videos, we introduce Biblical principles in a way that kids understand and enjoy!
Chronicles Drama Ministry
The Drama Ministry at NICC is delivering the message of faith, hope, and love through moving scripts and exceptional role playing. Chronicles addresses relevant issues facing today's generation, and communicates the love of Christ in a way that brings healing, deliverance and breakthrough.
Greeters Ministry
This ministry helps members and guests alike feel special every time they arrive! There's nothing like friendly faces and warm smiles to make you feel welcome. Our greeters maintain an atmosphere that best reflects who we are in Christ. King David said, I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. If you love making others smile and would like to become a greeter, please call the office.
Ground Experience
A ministry dedicated to maintaining the flow of traffic and parking during our multiple worship services. Are you enthusiastic about serving others and working as part of a team? Do you have a highly flexible schedule? Then, become a GFX and help others feel welcome and safe from the moment they arrive on our campus! Ensure that motorists arrive and depart safely, assist passengers to and from their vehicles, and provide light security during regular services and special events.
Higher Standards Singles' Ministry
A ministry committed to providing resources and an environment to enable singles to develop spiritually, mentally and emotionally. We encourage Singles to stay in Faith and enjoy their singleness. The Higher Standards Singles' ministry holds special and exciting gatherings that are designed exclusively for NICC singles!
Images of Faith Dance Ministry
This ministry of skilled and anointed individuals minister periodically during worship services and special events at NICC. Images of Faith use their creativity to help evangelize the lost, edify the people of God, and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through dance. From classical to interpretive, NICC celebrates the ministry of dance for all ages and we want you to get involved!
Intensive Prayer Unit (IPU)
A ministry committed to developing strong and dedicated prayer warriors that will "Stand in the Gap" for our Pastor and his family, church leaders, ministries and families. At NICC, we believe in the power of prayer! The Intensive Prayer Unit welcomes you to join us as we seek God on behalf of NICC and intercede for our communities, our cities, our nation, and our world. IPU Ministry prays before services, and Sunday morning at 8:30am at NICC.
Interior Care Ministry
This ministry assists in keeping the facilities at NICC in exceptional condition. From the front door to the back door, this ministry helps cultivate a comfortable environment, conducive to spiritual growth and development. If you would like to lend your services to the IC Ministry, we're always looking for those who are committed to service!
NICC Media Group
Through television broadcasting, streaming media, recorded teachings and sermons; NICC Media Group is capturing the powerful messages delivered by our Senior Pastor, and making them available to people all over the world! If you have a passion for Kingdom building and a heart for service, get connected with NICC's Media Group. Don't have experience? No problem! You'll get the benefit of hands-on training from our media team, to help you master the skills necessary to advance the Kingdom of God in excellence.
Mighty Men of Valor
A ministry dedicated to equipping men with the necessary resources and tools to grow spiritually and emotionally; to become Godly men (single or married), fathers and husbands. Our monthly gatherings exists to create bonds while being committed to edifying, equipping and empowering godly men to serve God, support their family, be productive in their career, and build our community and future generations.
Pastoral Care Ministry
This ministry is committed to care for the special needs of the First Family, and our very special guests. We "serve the servants" by creating an atmosphere of comfort, serenity, and ease, so their experience at NICC, is always an enjoyable one! The Pastoral Care team at NICC knows that it's the little things that make a big difference! That's why we go above and beyond to serve our First Family, and our very special guests.
Photography Ministry
A ministry dedicated to capturing memorable moments at NICC. They are responsible for documenting historical events for future generations so that they can see how the Lord has richly blessed NICC. Are you able to take high quality photos? If so, join the photography ministry, and capture those timeless moments from services and special events. Note: you must have your own equipment.
Poetic Praise
This ministry is for skilled orators that are gifted to minister the word of God through poetry, rhyme, rap or some other form of spoken word. Do you enjoy encouraging, challenging and impacting audiences through creative verbal expression? If so, then become a part of Poetic Praise and join other spoken word artists who are using their oratorical gifts for the glory of God.
Sign Language Ministry
This ministry is committed to meeting the special needs of the hearing impaired by ministering the Word of God through the use of sign language. So, if you enjoy worshiping God, and ministering to others through creative expression; then become a part of our Sign Language Ministry!
Sunday School Ministry
This ministry is devoted to teaching God's Word in a way that strengthens the church and help win the unchurched. Sunday school lessons are taught in small group settings so that questions can be asked and answered.
Storm Ministry – Youth & Young Adult Ministry
STORM stands for Students Triumphing On Righteous Mandates. This ministry provides alternatives for our youth by creating programs that are educational, informative, and fun. The ministry provides outlets where our youth can be heard and accepted for who they are and were created to become. Events for the Storm ministry are Skating, Bowling, Poetic Praise, and Feedback Friday's.
Transportation Ministry
We provide transportation to all of our services. When calling 850.877.3896, leave a message with name, number of riders, service day, time you called, and a contact number. Calls for Sunday must be in by Saturday at 3 PM. Calls for Wednesday must be in by Monday at 7 PM. If you are interested in more information, please visit Guest Services.
Usher Ministry
The usher's have the responsibility of ensuring that all who enter know that they are welcome. Ushers assist attendees during Worship Service as much as possible and help maintain order during the service. Volunteers of compassion and patience who love people are perfect for this ministry. As an usher you have the awesome privilege of ministering to others through service. Whether they need a kind word, assistance with seating, or simple directions, you help enhance the worship experience of every member and guest at NICC.
W.O.W. (Women of Wisdom) Ministry
Under the direction of Dr. E., the Women's Ministry of NICC is growing and thriving! Our mission is to develop women of wisdom, worth, and worship. This great mission is being accomplished through wholesome teaching, hands-on training, personal mentoring, and loving fellowship. The women of NICC are being transformed from faith to faith and from glory to glory. The Women's ministry hosts exciting monthly events designed to minister to the total woman.
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